Now, I'm going to start off by saying, Processing (used in Comp 1405) is NOT the same as Java or Objective-C. Processing is in fact a redundant, simpler version of it's predecessors. I will create tutorial applications as well detailed step-by-step tutorials on how to do all the assignments part of Comp 1405.
And for all of you guys out there who have reached beyond Processing and do real code in the working world, I will answer all inquiries about Java, C/#/++, Delphi, HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, XML if you e-mail me at In fact, every valid inquiry sent to my e-mail address will be made into a tutorial, no questions asked!
I am open to answer ALL questions about programming immediately, feel free to ask me a question at
Cheers and have a good year!
I am open to answer ALL questions about programming immediately, feel free to ask me a question at
Cheers and have a good year!